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I awoke one beautiful morning in 2015, with the unmistakable impression that I needed to reread the Second Book of Esdras chapters 11 and 12.  You may not be familiar with this book today because shortly before the turn of the 20th century, the Church of England made the decision to remove the Apocrypha from all King James Bibles. Prior to this change, the Apocrypha was always included between the Old and New Testaments in every KJV of the Bible since 1611. The primary reason for its removal was the presence of demonstrable historical inaccuracies within some of the writings. Unfortunately, since...

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This article was written my by Dad and circulated to my family.  I thought that I would post it here for others to benefit by it.    In 1965 as an LDS missionary serving in San Antonio Texas, my companion and I tracted out a sincere young couple serving as missionaries for a major protestant church. We told them of our message and they shared theirs and before we left I asked if I could ask them a question and they agreed.  I then posed a hypothetical situation and asked what they believed the outcome would be. I made up...

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Hello, I am Michael Rush - the original author of Ezra's Eagle, which I included in my first book - A Remnant Shall Return. Since first publishing Ezra's Eagle in 2015, interest has turned global.  Most people now hear about Ezra's Eagle not from me or my books, but from many of the varied offshoots that my books have given life to.  There are now thousands of internet postings regarding this vision and my interpretation of it.   I think that you will find the story of how Ezra's Eagle came to pass to be very interesting. I first read 2nd...

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Is earth the equivalent of a galactic penal colony like Australia was for the British back in the day? I recently had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine regarding Moses 7:36, wherein the Lord described this earth as being the most wicked of all the creations of His hands. My friend wondered why we were sent to such an awful place, “Were we not as faithful as those on other worlds?” he asked.  Obviously to contemplate such a subject one must express ones own ideas and theories. Such being the case, this article will be filled with my...

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The history of the House of Joseph is a curious one. Joseph was the 11th of Jacob’s sons, and yet he would attain the birthright to the House of Israel. This becomes even more interesting when considering that Joseph’s wife, the mother of the House of Joseph, was not a Hebrew – she was Egyptian. The Lord had made Abraham, Issac, and Jacob all covenant that they would only marry Hebrew women. They went to great lengths and sacrifice to keep this covenant. Furthermore, not only was his wife not Hebrew, she, at least initially, worshiped the pantheon of Egyptian...

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