Ezra's Eagle Summary

Ezra's Eagle Summary

I awoke one beautiful morning in 2015, with the unmistakable impression that I needed to reread the Second Book of Esdras chapters 11 and 12.  You may not be familiar with this book today because shortly before the turn of the 20th century, the Church of England made the decision to remove the Apocrypha from all King James Bibles. Prior to this change, the Apocrypha was always included between the Old and New Testaments in every KJV of the Bible since 1611. The primary reason for its removal was the presence of demonstrable historical inaccuracies within some of the writings.

Unfortunately, since its removal, English-speaking Christianity has largely forgotten about it. This is regrettable because the Apocrypha contains some remarkable content. Among the most notable apocryphal books are those of First and Second Esdras. Esdras is the Greek name for the Old Testament prophet Ezra. One of Ezra’s most famous prophecies is often called Ezra’s Eagle.

The vision of Ezra’s Eagle is one of seven major visions found within 2nd Esdras, purportedly recorded around 530 BC. However, the actual authorship and dating of this vision remains the subject of academic debate. Most scholars associate it with the first century after Christ due to the belief that the eagle in the vision symbolized Rome. However, the vision itself alludes to a future kingdom.  When it comes to things of spiritual nature, the Newtonian world of academia can only take you so far.  There are simply some truths that cannot be discerned in any other way than through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the gatekeeper of all spiritual truth.  Therefore, as you continue in this narrative, you may find that what you feel will be just as insightful as what you think.

This impression to revisit 2nd Esdras came to me on the heels of completing my first draft of A Remnant Shall Return.  As such, I have been intently pondering upon the amazing promises the Lord made to restore His people, the House of Israel, before His Second coming. The prompting I received led me to believe 2nd Esdras was related to these things. Therefore, with great interest, I packed up my things and drove to the public library where I sat down at a table and read 2nd Esdras for the second time.  What happened next was a truly remarkable experience for me, you will have to decide for yourself if it was madness or providence.

The prophecy begins with a large, three-headed eagle rising from the sea. Its expansive wings encircle the globe. The eagle’s right wing contained fourteen feathers—twelve long and two short—while the left wing contained only six small feathers. Ezra’s angelic guide explains the middle head of the great eagle was the most powerful of the three.  Furthermore, we are told that the feathers themselves represent successive leaders who govern this nation one after the other. The shorter feathers denote leaders or aspiring rulers whose lives or administrations were cut short by contrary or unnatural events.

In the vision, Ezra observes that the first long feather on the eagle’s right side is set-up to rule over the kingdom, but after its time, it vanishes and appears no more.  By this we are to understand that a leader runs the country for its administration and more. Subsequently, the second long feather is “set-up” to lead the kingdom and governs it for longer than any previous leader. Moreover, Ezra is shown that before the official administration of this leader concludes, no future leaders would be able to for more than half as long as him.  The precise wording of the prophecy regarding this leader is as follows:

 …so the next following stood up. and reigned, and had a great time (meaning he was in office a long time); and it happened, that when it reigned, the end of it came also, like as the first, so that it appeared no more. Then came there a voice unto it, and said, Hear thou that hast borne rule over the earth so long: this I say unto thee, before thou beginnest to appear no more, there shall none after thee attain unto thy time, neither unto the half thereof. (2 Esdras 11:13-17)

As noted previously, the wording in this prophecy is very specific. However, words tend to undergo semantic shifts over time. It is therefore worth noting that Webster’s 1828 English dictionary defined the word “UNTO” as ‘”no more than to.”  Therefore, no future leader would serve more than half as long as the second leader in this series.  Given the specific language of this prophecy, it should be easy to determine if a leader fulfills the demanding requirements of this prophecy or not.

Therefore, consider that Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only U.S. President elected to four terms in office.  Although he passed away naturally early in his fourth term, the U.S. Congress ratified the 22nd Amendment before his elected term concluded. The 22nd amendment limited all subsequent presidents to a maximum of two terms. This remarkable parallel not only resembles Ezra’s vision but aligns precisely with its specific language. Such a striking correlation should prompt sincere truth-seekers to approach the remainder of Ezra’s revelation with utmost seriousness, setting aside preconceived notions that might otherwise bias an intellectually honest or spiritually discerning review of the subject matter. Remember, we are discussing a prophecy that is apolitical, given that it was written at least two thousand years ago!

The vision continues as we observe the remaining feathers on the eagle’s right wing completing their respective administrations. Ezra’s angelic guide informs us that the two short feathers that were numbered among the fourteen on the right wing had their administration prematurely terminated by contrary or nefarious events. Additionally, we learn that the second of these two short feathers would correspond to the midpoint of the timeline. Thus, we can deduce that the initial 14 feathers symbolize a countdown to a significant event that will involve the remaining six short feathers on the eagle’s left wing.

Considering that Franklin D. Roosevelt occupies the second position in this series, Herbert Hoover was the first feather, with President Obama being the last of the fourteen feathers from the eagle’s right wing. Consequently, the two short feathers in the series must correspond to JFK, who was assassinated during his first term, and Richard Nixon, who was forced to resign from office during his second term. The following chart displays the order of these fourteen presidents from the eagle’s right wing:








Herbert Hoover






Franklin D. Roosevelt






Harry S. Truman






Dwight D. Eisenhower






John F. Kennedy






Lyndon B. Johnson






Richard M. Nixon






Gerald R. Ford






Jimmy Carter






Ronald Reagan






George H. W. Bush






Bill Clinton






George W. Bush






Barack Obama






In analyzing this timeline, we observe that Richard Nixon occupies a pivotal position in the middle of this timeline—45 years before and 43 years after it. Remarkably, this alignment precisely mirrors the prophecy attributed to Ezra. However, the question arises: Why does this chronology commence with Herbert Hoover?

To delve into this matter, we must consider Herbert Hoover’s role as a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Gary Allen’s influential work, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy,” compellingly links the CFR to the emergence of the American Deep State and the ascent of a modern aristocracy comprised of an elitist group vying for global governance.  Therefore, rather than being a vision about U.S. presidents, this vision appears to spotlight the rise of these global elitists, and the threat they present to the world at large.  Further evidence supporting this interpretation will be revealed to Ezra by his angelic guide, echoing the scriptural references to an organization that will wield immense power in the last days—the enigmatic “Whore of Babylon” described in the seventeenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. This will be spoken of in more detail as we progress with this review.

We now come to the six short feathers on the eagle’s left-hand side. The first of these short-feather presidents would be Donald J. Trump.  According to this two-thousand year old prophecy, Trump’s administration would have needed to have been cut short by the nefarious interventions of this elitist group, aka, the Whore of Babylon. This brings us to the most contested election in American history, the 2020 presidential election. It goes without saying that a very large percentage of the population believe that the election was stolen by the machinations of the American Deep State.  Over ten percent of the states send alternate delegates to the electoral college alleging widespread election fraud. Regardless of what you believe, nothing on this scale has ever happened in America.  The 2020 election continues to be a divisive “live-wire” issue today.

The prophecy suggests that the next ‘short-feather,’ representing Joseph Biden, would be away sooner than President Trump. It further predicts that the following two ‘short-feathers’ would seek in their hearts to be ‘set-up,’ only to be devoured by the three heads of the eagle before either one could be set-up.  Ezra then saw that the last two little feathers relocated themselves underneath the rightmost head of the eagle.  Let’s discuss these things in turn. On July 21, 2024 Joe Biden was forced to suspend his presidential campaign against his own wishes.  The exact reasons for which have not been disclosed.  The morning of his announcement, Biden’s team continued to say that they were all in, and then suddenly, it was all over.  Biden has been largely missing in action ever since.  Biden has since begrudgingly passed the baton over to VP Kamala Harris, who has been one of the most unpopular vice presidents in US history.

Now, according to the prophecy, there are two individuals, Harris and Trump, that are thinking in their hearts to be set-up, and Biden has effectively been sidelined by these faceless elitists pulling the strings in the dark.  However, if this prophecy is true, these elitists will not be in the dark for long.  According to the prophecy, before either Trump or Harris has the opportunity to be “set-up”, both are devoured by the three heads of the eagle itself. The last two short-feathers of the prophecy, then relocate to just below the rightmost head of the eagle.  According to the prophecy, the middle head, or most powerful of the three eagle heads assume control of the governance of the country and rules the world with more wicked oppression than any world leader that has ever before preceded it.

The prophecy continues by stating that the most powerful of the three eagle heads meets an agonizing demise in his bed, although the specific cause remains undisclosed. Following his passing, the stigma associated with his ascent to power dissipates, and the leftmost eagle head assumes global governance. However, the prophecy then reveals that the rightmost eagle head kills him, seizing the kingdom for himself, only to meet a suspicious end as well. At this juncture, only two small feathers remain, having positioned themselves beneath the rightmost eagle head. Together, they assume control over the kingdom, plunging the world into significant turmoil.

Prior to the demise of the three heads, Ezra heard the eagle speak, but the voice came from the eagle’s bowels rather than its head. Ezra’s angelic guide interprets this as a symbol of the nation’s impending turmoil and near-collapse, yet he tells Ezra that the nation will not collapse, but will ultimately be restored to its original state. The catalyst for this restoration is a roaring lion that emerges from the wilderness to confront the last two remaining ‘short feathers’ who jointly rule the world. The lion’s message holds particular relevance of the broader context of this revelation as it pertains to the Whore of Babylon. Consider the lion’s words:

For the earth hast thou not judged with truth. For thou hast afflicted the meek, thou hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast loved liars, and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruit, and hast cast down the walls of such as did thee no harm. Therefore is thy wrongful dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty. The Highest also hath looked upon the proud times, and, behold, they are ended, and his abominations are fulfilled. And therefore appear no more, thou eagle, nor thy horrible wings, nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads, nor thy hurtful claws, nor all thy vain body: That all the earth may be refreshed, and may return, being delivered from thy violence, and that she may hope for the judgment and mercy of Him that made her. (2 Esdras 11: 38-46)

The Lion from the wilderness confronts the Eagle, declaring that it is all that remains of the fourth beast. This indicates that the fourth beast, which had reached the pinnacle of its power under three eagle heads, is now significantly weakened under the joint reign of the last two small feathers. Furthermore, the Lion reprimands the Eagle, stating that it was founded on a love of deceit and habitually harmed the peaceful, and destroyed the lives of the righteous. This suggests that the Lion is addressing the Whore of Babylon, not the United States of America. America was not established to commit these acts, but the Whore of Babylon, which I believe this vision suggests has usurped America’s governance, certainly was formed to be able to carry out such things.  The Whore of Babylon has certainly enriched herself by an endless cycle of war, wherein she has destroyed the walls of those who did her no harm.

Based on the description above, it is not difficult to see the similarities between the Eagle and the Whore of Babylon, whose objectives are outlined in Revelations 18.  In Revelation 17, we learn that the Whore of Babylon’s demise comes at the hands of a small group of ten men who hate her and destroy her in a single day.  Similarly, in Daniel 7, we read of a terrible king who will arise in the days of the fourth beast, aka the Whore of Babylon. Daniel foresaw that this king obtained leadership of a small group of ten men by uprooting the three foremost members and supplanting them. This leader then waged war against the saints of God and overcomes them.  The same man spoke great swelling blasphemies against the Most High.

Another individual fitting this description of the latter-day antichrist is prophesied of in Revelation 13. This figure also speaks great blasphemies and wages war against the saints and overcomes them. In addition, we are told that this man will have power to perform incredible miracles in the eyes of all nations, and that he will have power over all the Earth together with the Beast.  As such, I believe that the last two feathers of Ezra’s Eagle correspond to the joint, albeit brief, global reign of the Antichrist and the Beast. The Antichrist and the Beast are confronted and destroyed by the Lion of Judah whose return is described in Revelation 19.

Therefore, if the vision of Ezra’s Eagle signifies anything, it is a stark warning of the lateness of the hour.  The scriptures are filled with prophecies that most have dismissed with a wave of the hand as being merely symbolic.  However, if Ezra’s Eagle continues to mirror what is happening in America, then the world needs to rethink this approach, and quickly.  For this reason alone, Ezra’s Eagle is worth monitoring. Hopefully all that has happened so far is just some bizarre coincidence, because the alternative is too terrible to consider!

Regardless of how Ezra’s Eagle plays out, one thing is absolutely certain, if you do not understand the covenants and promises that the Lord has made with the House of Israel, you simply are not ready for what is about to take place upon the Earth. The restoration of all twelve tribes of Israel, not just Judah, will shape the events of the last days more than any other single thing out side of the return of Jesus Christ. If you would like to learn more, as well as see my original verse by verse commentary on the vision of Ezra’s Eagle, I invite you to study my book – A Remnant Shall Return.  In that book, I analyze over 1,000 non-apocryphal passages that establish a shocking pattern of revelation that point to events that are about to blow the world’s socks off.  If you think the House of Israel is no longer relevant, you had better think again!