The Curious Case of My Technicolored Genenome
The history of the House of Joseph is a curious one. Joseph was the 11th of Jacob’s sons, and yet he would attain the birthright to the House of Israel. This becomes even more interesting when considering that Joseph’s wife, the mother of the House of Joseph, was not a Hebrew – she was Egyptian. The Lord had made Abraham, Issac, and Jacob all covenant that they would only marry Hebrew women. They went to great lengths and sacrifice to keep this covenant. Furthermore, not only was his wife not Hebrew, she, at least initially, worshiped the pantheon of Egyptian gods. The apocryphal writings of the Old Testament describe her as follows:
And Pentephres had a virgin daughter of about eighteen years of age, tall and beautiful and graceful, more beautiful than any other virgin in the land. And the fame of her beauty spread through all that land, even to its remotest corners; and all the sons of the lords and of the satraps and of the kings sought her hand in marriage, young men all of them. And there was great rivalry between them because of her, and they began to fight among themselves because of Aseneth. And Pharaoh's eldest son heard about her, and he begged his father to give her to him as his wife… And Aseneth worshipped all these [the innumerable gods of the Egyptians]; and she feared them and offered sacrifices to them. (Joseph and Aseneth Chapter 1:6, 9-11; 2:5)
Pentephres, Aseneth’s father, was one of Pharaoh’s counselors, and ruled over all Egypt’s vassal lords and kingdoms. Therefore, Pentephres and his household were without question members of Egypt’s most elite social circles. That Aseneth was highly sought after among the highest circles of ancient society is beyond question – even by the heir to the throne of Egypt.
According to the story, Joseph visited the house of Pentephres while on Pharaoh’s business where he met Aseneth for the first time. Joseph typically avoided the company of women because they so often flaunted themselves at him. He was described as being extremely handsome, but he would not mingle with the women of the land. This likely stems from the covenant his fathers had made to only marry Hebrew women.
Similar to Joseph, Aseneth avoided contact with men, and did not enjoy being the object of universal desire. When Aseneth learned that Joseph would be coming to her house for dinner, she was irritated. When she learned that her father hoped to give her to Joseph to be his wife she was furious and responded by recounting to her father all the gossip she had heard regarding Joseph—gossip she apparently believed. It was evident that regardless of the works Joseph had done, she thought him far below her.
And when Aseneth heard what her father said, a great red sweat came over her, and she was furious and looked sideways at her father. And she said, "Why should my lord and my father speak like this and talk as if he would hand me over like a prisoner to a man of another race, a man who was a fugitive and was sold as a slave? Is this not the shepherd's son from the land of Canaan, and he was abandoned by him? Is not this the man who had intercourse with his mistress, and his master threw him into prison where he lay in darkness, and Pharaoh brought him out of prison, because he interpreted his dream? No! I will marry the eldest son of the king, for he is king of all the earth." On hearing this, Pentephres thought it wiser to say no more to his daughter about Joseph, for she had answered him arrogantly and in anger. (ibid 4)
After speaking her mind, Aseneth went up to her room to stew in her anger at the suggestion of being offered as the wife of a Hebrew slave, instead of the Pharaoh’s eldest son. She was shocked that her father would treat her so poorly. Nevertheless, for all she had heard about Joseph, she had never before seen him. Out of curiosity, she stood by her bedroom window and waited for his arrival. When she saw him for the first time her opinion of him changed profoundly.
And the gates of the court that looked east were opened, and Joseph came in, sitting in Pharaoh's viceroy's chariot. And there were four horses yoked together, white as snow, with golden reins; and the chariot was covered over with gold. And Joseph was wearing a marvelous white tunic, and the robe wrapped around him was purple, made of linen woven with gold: there was a golden crown on his head, and all round the crown were twelve precious stones, and above the stones twelve golden rays; and a royal scepter was in his right hand. And he held an olive branch stretched out, and there was much fruit on it. And Joseph came into the court, and the gates were shut. And strangers, whether men or women, remained outside, because the gate-keepers had shut the doors.
And Pentephres came, and his wife, and all his relatives, except their daughter Aseneth; and they made obeisance to Joseph with their faces to the ground. And Joseph got down from his chariot and extended his right hand to them. And Aseneth saw Joseph and she was cut to the quick, her stomach turned over, her knees became limp, and her whole body trembled. And she was much afraid and cried out and said, "Where shall I go, and where can I hide myself from him? And how will Joseph, the son of God, regard me, for I have spoken evil of him? Where can I flee and hide myself, for he sees everything, and no secret is safe with him, because of the great light that is in him?
And now may Joseph's God be propitious to me because I spoke evil in ignorance. What can I hope for, wretch that I am? Have I not spoken, saying, Joseph is coming, the shepherd's son from the land of Canaan? And now, behold the sun is come to us from heaven in his chariot and has come into our house to-day. But I was foolish and reckless to despise him, and I spoke evil of him and did not know that Joseph is the son of God. For who among men will ever father such beauty, and what mother will ever bear such a light? Wretch that I am and foolish, for I spoke evil of him to my father. Now let my father give me to Joseph as a maidservant and a slave, and I will serve him forever." (ibid 5 & 6)
It is obvious from this description that Joseph was favored of the Lord and that this favor was evident to all those that saw him. His very countenance had become the coat of many colors that was meant to set him apart from his brothers as a youth. Joseph was used to women watching him wherever he went. Their constant attention was distasteful to him. Therefore, when he met Pentephres he asked him to send the woman in the window away, that he might rest in peace with his family. Pentephres was quick to tell Joseph that the woman he had seen was his daughter and that he wished for him to meet her. Being his daughter, Joseph conceded.
When Aseneth came down from her room, Pentephres introduced her to Joseph. In doing so, he asked his daughter to greet Joseph with a kiss. Such a greeting was probably customary when an honored guest came to the house, Jesus made it a point of stating that he received no kiss when he entered into a prominent man’s house for dinner. Joseph however declined this customary kiss saying that while he was honored to be invited as a guest in their home, and could consider Aseneth to be his dear sister, he could never kiss the lips of one who had worshiped idols.
Aseneth was stunned by this statement. Every eligible man in the land was positioning themselves for her hand, but here was a man over whom her beauty had no sway. Joseph’s God was first and foremost, and his desire to obey his Heavenly Father served as his guiding star, not that base physical desire which was a controlling force in the lives of so many others. This had a profound impact upon her. She passed the rest of the evening in silence, and when it was over she could neither sleep nor eat after the encounter, but bitterly wept in her room for days. Her prior arrogance and pride were swept away. Joseph’s words had reduced her to a pitiful and humble sense of self-awareness. She wanted to know more about Joseph.
She broke up her many idols of gold and silver and gave them to the poor. In her distress she cried out to Joseph’s God, and after she had wept and mourned for eight days He responded to her in a glorious manner. An incredible man appeared in her room who was described as being the Captain of the Lord’s host, a similar description was attributed to Jesus Christ in the book of Joshua. The messenger speaks with her and blesses her in the following manner:
Take heart, Aseneth, your name is written in the book of life, and it will never be blotted out. From today you will be made new, and refashioned, and given new life; and you shall eat the bread of life and drink the cup of immortality, and be anointed with the [anointing] of incorruption. Take heart, Aseneth: lo, the Lord has given you to Joseph to be his bride, and he shall be your bridegroom. And you shall no more be called Aseneth, but 'City of Refuge' shall be your name; for many nations shall take refuge in you, and under your wings shall many peoples find shelter, and within your walls those who give their allegiance to God in penitence will find security. (ibid 15:1-7)
Once Aseneth had been blessed by the Lord, she immediately asked if He would bless her seven handmaids who were all born the same day as she, and whom she loved like sisters. To me this gives some valuable insight into the type of woman that Aseneth was. She was not content in her own salvation, but like Enos, or other mighty missionaries of the Book of Mormon, she immediately looked to share her new found salvation with others.
Meanwhile, while Joseph was traveling on the Pharaoh’s business, the Lord also spoke to him about Aseneth, informing him that the Lord had chosen her to be his bride. Upon hearing this from the Lord, Joseph returned to Pentephres’ house where Aseneth and Joseph had a choice encounter entirely different from their first.
And when Joseph saw her, he said to her, "Come to me, pure virgin, for I have had good news about you from heaven, explaining everything about you." And Joseph stretched his hands out and embraced Aseneth, and Aseneth embraced Joseph, and they greeted each other for a long time and received new life in their spirit. And Aseneth said to him, "Come, my lord, come into my house;" and she took his right hand and brought him inside her house. And Joseph sat down on her father Pentephres's seat, and she brought water to wash his feet; and Joseph said to her, "Let one of your virgins come, and let her wash my feet." And Aseneth said to him, "No, my lord, for my hands are your hands, and your feet my feet, and no one else shall wash your feet;" and so she had her way and washed his feet. And Joseph took her by the right hand and kissed it, and Aseneth kissed his head. And Aseneth's parents came back from their country estate, and they saw Aseneth sitting with Joseph and wearing a wedding robe; and they rejoiced and glorified God, and they ate and drank.
And Pentephres said to Joseph, "Tomorrow I will invite the lords and satraps of Egypt, and I will celebrate your
wedding, and you shall take Aseneth as your wife." And Joseph said, "First I must tell Pharaoh about Aseneth, because he is my father; and he will give me Aseneth as my wife himself." And Joseph got up early in the morning, and he sent away to Pharaoh and told him about Aseneth.
And Pharaoh sent and called Pentephres and Aseneth. And Pharaoh was astonished at her beauty and said, "The Lord will bless you, even the God of Joseph, who has chosen you to be his bride, for he is the first-born son of God, and you will be called daughter of the Most High, and Joseph shall be your bridegroom forever.
And Pharaoh took golden crowns and put them on their heads and said, "God Most High will bless you and prosper your family forever." And Pharaoh turned them towards each other, and they kissed each other. And Pharaoh celebrated their wedding with a banquet and much merry-making for seven days; and he invited all the chief men in the land of Egypt. And he issued a proclamation, saying, "Any man who does any work during the seven days of Joseph and Aseneth's wedding shall die." (ibid 19-21)
This is a great story. The Lord intended to set apart the House of Joseph from the other tribes of Israel from the very beginning, and so it was. The Lord commanded Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to not marry outside of the Hebrew race, and by extension their children were under the same restriction. Under Jewish custom, a man was considered to be Jewish only if his mother was Jewish. It is therefore very interesting that the Lord would select the founding mother of the birthright House of Israel from among the Egyptians. This was not happenstance. Aseneth was foreordained unto such a high role as surely as was her future husband.
Not much is known of Joseph and Aseneth’s other children, beyond Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob blessed Joseph and specifically mentioned that his other children would have their tribal status through these two sons. It is highly likely that Joseph and Aseneth had daughters, which most often are not mentioned in the Old Testament. The offspring of these daughters would be affiliated with either Ephraim or Manasseh, and likely Ephraim given he was the unconventional birthright son,
Joseph and Aseneth’s children would have been brought up in different circles than their cousins who remained in a group in Egypt. It is probable that Ephraim and Manasseh, like their father, would have married Egyptian women. Regarding the spouses of Manasseh and Ephraim, the only thing that is known comes from 1 Chronicles 7:14, which states that Manasseh had wives and concubines, and one of these concubines was specifically identified as not being Egyptian, but Semetic. Nothing is mentioned of Ephraim’s spouses.
Aseneth, the mother of Ephraim and Manasseh, like all mothers who bear children, would imprint her children with her DNA. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is unique due to its low mutational rate as it is passed from a mother to child. Related mitochondrial DNA families are called haplogroups.

There are likely hundreds of undiscovered haplogroups, with approximately 150 currently identified. Because of their low rates of mutation, mitochondrial patterns of people living today closely resemble the mitochondrial DNA of their direct female forebears thousands of years ago.
As only women can pass on mtDNA, a mitochondrial line will fail if there is not a daughter to pass it on. It stands to reason that as the Lord preserved Israel for a wise purpose, therefore, I would expect to find the ancient haplogroups of the twelve tribes of Israel among us today. While it is not possible to associate mtDNA with all of the tribes of Israel, given the unique information found in the Book of Mormon regarding the presence of both Ephraim (the daughters of Ishmael) and Manasseh (the daughters of Lehi), it may be possible to identify the Haplogroups associated with the House of Joseph.
In order to be able to do this, we must first identify what haplogroups existed among ancient Israel, and compare those haplogroups to the direct maternal descendants of Native American tribes. Fortunately, it has never been easier to test this theory than it is at the present time. Today we are amassing more and more information regarding haplogroups from ancient burial sites as well as the modern DNA testing currently sweeping the genealogical landscape. If you would like to know your mtDNA haplogroup, you can swab your check and send off for a test. This is a very specific test, and is not routinely included in run-of-the-mill DNA testing.
The following graph (figure 1) shows the haplogroups of Egypt and how they have changed over time. The first column was taken from the ancient Egyptian burial grounds of Abusir el-Meleq. This burial ground was used by the Egyptian elite dating back to the days of Joseph and Aseneth, and the hosts of Israel in Egypt. We would expect, therefore, to find their haplogroups among these samples.
Figure 1
The red-hued colors are mtDNA haplogroups that are associated with traditional African populations, while the other haplogroups are associated with Caucasian races. Assuming this upperclass burial site is a representative sample of all similar sites, the most prevalent haplogroup in the Egyptian ruling class appeared to be associated with haplogroup T at well over 20%. We can compare this information with the information found in populations associated with the House of Israel.
Below is another chart (Figure 2) which shows where ancient evidence of mtDNA Haplogroup T has been discovered in North Africa and is grouped by the language spoken by the discovered people. It also projects the frequency at which the haplogroup is expected to have existed among the population. You will note that the only locations in Africa with significant concentrations of this group are in Egypt. Among the Egyptians, the highest frequency observed to date has been 28.6%, discovered among a group of Semetic speaking people living in an isolated oasis community. Among the Egyptian speaking people themselves it was found to occur at a rate of 17.2%, which is consistent with the rate T was observed among the Egyptian elite class buried in Abusir el-Meleq, as noted in Figure 1 above.
Figure 2
The preceding graph and table present strong evidence for a Hebrew/Egyptian connection with regards to mtDNA Haplogroup T. This connection is further strengthened through additional haplogroup studies conducted on ancient Israeli burial sites. The following chart (Figure 3) shows the mtDNA testing of three separate populations linked to ancient Israel. The similarities between these results and those of ancient Egypt are pronounced. It would appear that anciently, Egypt’s population had much more in common with Israel than it does at the present time. The three Jewish groups tested were Anastasia Jews, Sephardi Jews, and North African Jews.
Figure 3
Anciently, the tribes of Israel were strict adherents of the Law of Moses. Intermarriage with Gentiles was forbidden, which makes the case of Joseph and Aseneth so unique. Given these strict rules with regards to marriage, the above results should give insight into the ancient and literal blood lines of the twelve tribes of Israel. Because we do not have definitive examples of the DNA from every tribe of the house of Israel, it would be impossible to assign specific tribal affiliations to these populations. Nevertheless, if we knew the tribal affiliation of each of the founding mothers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, it would be possible through mtDNA testing to determine one’s literal genetic tie to that tribe today. It is a fascinating prospect.
The above chart (Figure 3) is instrumental in illustrating the literal fulfillment of the scattering of the House of Israel. There are many haplogroups with more being discovered on a routine basis. Of these, 15 haplogroups have been associated with the house of Israel. Due to polygamy, the twelve tribes of Israel had more founding mothers than it had Fathers. This also plays out in the haplogroups above.
Because the mother of Ephraim and Manasseh was Egyptian, I would suggest that mtDNA haplogroup T could be associated with the House of Joseph. Of course, to be able to definitively state this would require additional evidence. This is where the Book of Mormon provides a critical piece of the puzzle. Regarding the Book of Mormon peoples, we know of at least three groups of founding mothers: Lehi’s wife who was associated with the tribe of Manasseh, Ishmael’s wife, who was associated with the tribe of Ephraim, and the women who came over with the Mulekites.We know that Mulek himself was a descendant of King David, as his father was the king of the Jews, but it is the haplogroup of the women that accompanied Mulek, and not Mulek himself that is important with regards to mtDNA. We do not know what tribal affiliation these women were, however, when the Lord Jesus Christ addresses the Nephites, He did so by identifying them as being from the House of Joseph. Therefore, if we could identify the predominate haplogroups of the Lamanite and Nephite peoples, we would be able to identify the haplogroups associated with the House of Joseph.
There are different opinions on the subject of Book of Mormon lands, but it is the author’s that North America is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. This is where the Golden Plates were discovered, this is where the New Jerusalem will be built, and this is where the free nation spoken of in the Book of Mormon was created. It is therefore my opinion that we should be able to find the Haplogroups of the House of Joseph among the ancient ancestors of the North American Indians.
I have come to learn that there is a pronounced agenda when it comes to the history of the North American continent. If something does not fit within the agenda, it is not made public knowledge. If you want to learn about it, you must seek it out yourself. There is an incredible amount of data on this, but most of it buried in academic journals or in obscure museums and monuments around the country. They remain today widely unknown to the general population. Given the grandeur of some of these sites one can help but to wonder why this is the case.
There is convincing DNA evidence that a land bridge migration did occur for many people of the Americas. These people are identified with mtDNA Haplogroups A, B, C and D and according to the scientific community, account for the majority of the Native American population. The typical academic response for non-conforming haplogroups has been to simply ignore them as sample aberrations due to contamination. After all, there is a strong genetic migration trail for how Haplogroups A, B, C and D arrived to America, but any other group would have required an impossible sea migration. However, the traditional narrative is being challenged in uncomfortable ways for the academic community. Scattered among Native Americans, particularly those with origins in the Eastern United States, are non-conforming mtDNA groups. These groups appear to be associated with a people who once interacted in a vast and advanced community. Two of these family groups are the Hopewell civilization and the ancestors to the Cherokee.
The Hopewell civilization began in the Southern United States and migrated up into the Great Lakes Region before collapsing around 400 AD. The second group consist of the Native American Indians affiliated with the Southern States in and around Tennessee and the Appalachian mountain region – of which the modern Cherokee are the biggest group. These two Ancient populations have curious mtDNA that cannot be explained by the Bering Strait land-bridge theory.
This Hopewell were very advanced and is believed to have produced the largest earthwork fortifications ever created by an ancient civilization. A map of one such fortification is shown below as Figure 4. Maj. Isaac Roberdeau, head of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is credited with having drawn the map. The complete original map, is preserved in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch of the Military Archives Division of the U.S. National Archives in Alexandria, Va., Record Group 77, drawer 144, sheet no. 20.
Figure 4
According to the University of Ohio, the preservation of the survey of this fortress is due in large part to the efforts of President Thomas Jefferson. In 1803, William Lytle’s early maps of this fortress impressed President Jefferson. As a result, he requested additional details of the structures and the map below was attributed to this request. Had Jefferson not requested this map, all records of this site would have been intentionally lost, as the site itself has been inexplicably destroyed. According to the notes on the survey, there is no doubt that this was used as a fortress. These notes state that leading up to the fortifications, the surveyors found an ancient road, 25 feet wide and over three miles long whose surface was made of hewn stone. A similar Hopewell road is shown here.
The map also describes the typical height of the walls as averaging more than 30 feet tall, which is extraordinary given the age of the site. There were covered passageways that lead to springs outside of the complex walls. There were circles and squares as part of the site, similar to those found at other sites in and around Ohio (Newark, OH earthworks). At these other sites, these shapes proved to have perfect celestial alignments with true north, the summer and winter solstices, moon cycles etc. Such feats of engineering required advanced knowledge of the movements of the heavens that are at odds with our historical narratives of ancient peoples, but harmonious with the Book of Mormon people, when knew that “surely it is the earth that moveth and not the sun” (Hel 12:15). An interesting link to a youtube video that describes some of these other sites is included at the bottom of this post which I encourage all readers to check out.
The shape of the fort seems have been built around a theme of light. On the right side of the survey is shown the imbedded likeness to the ten massive candelabras used to light the Temple of Solomon – the inspiration to the modern Hanukkah candles. The upper portion of that same portion of the fort bears an incredible resemblance to the handheld oil lamps of ancient Israel, two examples of which are shown here.
Furthermore, the surveyor’s notes stated that they found a mysterious 70 lb. iron sphere in the wall of the fort, which they described as a cannon ball. however, the largest iron cannon balls of modern times weighed only 42 lbs., about half the weight of this gargantuan oddity.
As noted above, rather than being preserved, mysteriously and inexplicably this remote fort was razed entirely to the ground. The only evidence remaining of its existence is this official US Army Core of Engineers map. What possible explanation could there be for destroying such a national treasure as this? It could not have been for farmland. In rural Ohio, such land is plentiful. The destruction of such large pre-existing structures merely to clear remote land for crops does not make sense. This destruction was wanton, organized, and performed by a large body of men. The only such group with an established connection to the site was the US Government. What motive could the government possibly have to eriadicate such an impressive structure? Perhaps it is no coincidence that the destruction of this ancient site coincides with the government’s round up of the Indians for “reeducation” so that their lands could be sold. Would it have been more difficult to justify the treatment of these people had the government not characterized them as ignorant savages?
Another aspect of ancient American culture that seems to have been suppressed is the existence of artifacts with ancient Hebrew letters inscribed upon them. A number of these have been discovered in mound digs that were practically in the shadow of this ancient fort. To the right is an image of one of these artifacts, known as the Newark Holy Stones. This particular artifact is inscribed with the Ten Commandments, written in an ancient form of Paleo Hebrew not known to have existed until after the discovery of this artifact, but since discovered in Israel. The man who discovered this and other artifacts – David Wyrick was relentelessly ridiculed and mocked by the scientific community. He could not understand the bitter opposition that came against him. A surveyor by trade, Wyrick became convinced that the mound builders were Israelites. He took his artifacts to the led Hebrew scholars of the day who vouched for their amazing authenticity. A common response by these scholars was that there were few people in the country that possessed the knowledge to create such artifacts, and that those who did posses it would have no motivation to employe their knowledge to deceive. Regarding Wyrick’s artifacts, Rabbi Lederer, one such Jewish scholar wrote in 1861,
The form of the characters is neither the modern Hebrew, nor is it the Samaritan, which shows again that the writer or writers had already forgotten much. Of one thing, however, I am morally convinced: that this stone is a genuine relic of antiquity, as it would be a greater difficulty to believe in the invention of such a strange mixture of characters, disorder of combination, and innocent blunders, than to believe it the handiwork of a generation long since passed.
Those opposed to the authenticity of these relics tended to side with the editor of The Occident, Isaac Leeser, who wrote in November 29, 1860 the following:
We confess that notwithstanding the vouchers of the authenticity of the strange stone, we still deem the entire story more or less fabulous (ridiculous). For the simple reason that it seems utterly improbable that a colony of Israelites have at any time inhabited this continent…

The rejection of artifacts as hoaxes, the destruction of historic sites, and the suppression of evidence that expands the American narrative beyond a predetermined agenda has been the norm for many years. This fortress was once a symbol of light and hope to its people. It has now intentionally fallen into darkness. We must ask ourselves why works of such incredible magnitude are not in the history books of every American child. These structures are far from unique, there are literally thousands of such earthworks throughout the Eastern US, and about which most people know nothing. The growing quantify of evidence available today supporting an alternative narrative is met with resounding silence. This silence is a strategy in and of itself. If you would learn about these things, you must do so on your own, they will not be taught to us or our children in our schools. A higher resolution image of the fort survey that will facilitate the reading of the survey's notes can be accessed on University of Ohio’s website. I encourage the reader to investigate this further and come to your own conclusion.
I could write much more regarding the archeological marvels left behind by this once mighty people, but it is not the archeology of these people that I want to highlight in this article. It is their mtDNA. Through ancient burial site testing, it has become clear that this group of people were strongly affiliated with Haplogroup X. Below is a world map showing the world-wide distribution of Haplogroup X.
Figure 5
The map highlights in dark brown the areas where this haplogroup exists in concentrations above 15%. Among the Hopewell, haplogroup X accounted for as much as 50% of tested burial sites. There appear to be only two hot beds for Haplogroup X, one in Israel, and the other in North America centered in the heartland of the Hopewell civilization – the area around the Great Lakes Region. Interestingly enough this is the same area in which the Book of Mormon was discovered. As noted in Figures 1 and 3 above, Haplogroup X is among those affiliated with the House of Israel anciently.
This map is very curious because its presence can only be explained by a transatlantic migration – not a Bering Strait Land Bridge migration. This is highly troubling for proponents of the traditional narrative. They attempt to get around this fact by basing the science of haplogroups upon evolution, using a DNA clock theory that assumes men have been on the planet for between one to two hundred thousand years and that all haplogroups have evolved over this period of time. Therefore, according to these models, they claim that Haplogroup X had to have arrived in America between 30,000 to 60,000 years ago. However, this theory only makes sense if you can “debunk”, suppress, or otherwise disregard the evidence on the ground that contradicts your theory. The presence of Hebrew artifacts and monuments in America suggests that there is a connection between peoples originating in and around the Middle East and groups of Native Americans. This explanation is, of course, consistent with the history contained within the Book of Mormon. Considering the evidence for the fort's motif alone, this migration would have had to have occurred after the Temple of Solomon was built. Solomon's temple is the first instance where menorah-like candelabras were introduced to Israel, the Lord having revealed their design specifically for that temple.
Using the scriptures as the DNA time clock, haplogroups would have first come into existence with Adam and Eve some 7,000 years ago. Under such a model, Haplogroup formation would have had to occur on a much different timetable, and potentially having been placed, created or initiated by the Lord Himself. My thinking falls clearly in the latter group. My article, Prison Planet, elaborates more upon this theory if you care to read it.
Now, regarding the other group I mentioned that has high levels of anomalous mtDNA. From the Book of Mormon, we learn that Mulek arrived in the Northern part of the country, and that Lehi landed in the Southern part of the country (Hel 6:10). We also know that Nephi’s sisters fled with him northward away from his brothers in the south. We also know that that this happened very early on in the narrative (2 Nephi 5:5-6). Furthermore, we know that Lehi’s daughters were affiliated with Manasseh and that Ishmael’s daughters were affiliated with Ephraim. Therefore, as the record suggests a separation of two groups of women in the Book of Mormon which could have well resulted in the formation of multiple haplogroup clusters that differed from North to South. We have seen that this Northern group was strongly influenced by Haplogroup X, but what of the group in the South?
The Cherokee Indians were centered in and around the southern state of Tennessee. You will remember the story of the Trail of Tears wherein the Cherokee were forcibly removed from Tennessee and taken to Oklahoma where they were mixed with many other Native American tribes. This mixing has complicated the genetic origins of this original group of people in Oklahoma. Several genetic studies culminated in the combined testing of 256 Native Americans from Oklahoma with ties to Southeastern tribes. The study concluded that the vast majority of test subjects were from the mtDNA haplogroups of A, B, C and D, and concluded that any other haplogroups present were due to genetic mixing from Europeans. For years, these studies proved to be the final word on Native American ancestry. However, with the Hopewell testing that has been conducted, Haplogroup X was begrudgingly added to the family of founding North American Haplogroups, but this is the current academic line in the sand. They currently discount any other information.
However, advances in technology have changed many things, and old theories are being challenged with an abundance of new data. With the advent of commercially available mtDNA testing available to lay people, the scientific assumptions of the past are being challenged in new ways. In 2014, a new study was released by DNA Consultants based on its commercially available mtDNA testing titled ANOMALOUS MITOCHONDRIAL DNA LINEAGES IN THE CHEROKEE (PHASE I AND PHASE II), by Donald N. Yates. The premise of Yates’ Phase 1 study was to examine the anomalous mtDNA haplogroups among Native Americans;those that had proven Native American ancestral lines, but were not from haplogroups A, B, C or D. Basically it was a study of the outliers identified in prior tests. Phase 2 of the study was a specific examination of those affiliated with the Cherokee tribe, regardless of haplogroup affiliation. The results of the study were truly fascinating.
The results of Phase I of the study, based on outliers, is shown below.
A random sample of fifty-two Native Americans not affiliated haplogroups A, B C or D, were tested, the results of which are shown above. Incredibly, of the total identifiable haplogroups among these Native Americans, 94% of the haplogroups come from that group of 15 haplogroups affiliated with the 12 tribes of Israel. The 6% that were not affiliated with the House of Israel, were from haplogroup L, an African haplogroup and probably due to intermixture with African slaves.
Can this test group’s amazing alignment with the house of Israel, as defined in Figure 3, be merely coincidental? I submit that it cannot be, particularly in light of the introductory page of the Book of Mormon, which begins as follows:
Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites—Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel…
This study demonstrates a far greater haplogroup diversity among Native Americans than traditional science has taught us. Academics dismiss these haplogroups as European contamination. However, where in the historic record do you get such a large population of Israelis to provide such contamination? It also supports the conclusion that the group of people known as Nephites and Lamanites descended from a genetically diverse group of women, from multiple tribes, with T & X being the most common. The Book of Mormon does not give any information regarding the genealogy of the wives of Ishmael’s older sons, nor of the female party members in Mulek’s group, who would have also been Israelites. This easily explains this genetic diversity and is in fact, incredibly harmonious, rather than unexpected.
What about the presence of Hebrew/Book of Mormon artifacts where these populations lived? Do they exist? The answer is yes, but like with the Hopewell, they are not well publicized. These groups lived through out Tennessee and buried their dead in stone coffins, which have been found in the thousands in this area. They lived in villages in cities that bear remarkable similarities to those written of in the Book of Mormon, with picket walls and watch towers spaced around the perimeter. The following image is a picture I took of a replica of one such city that was on display at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Altars and animal sacrifices are common fixtures of these archeological sites.
One of these pictures depict a replica of one of many excavated cities in the Tennessee area. Notice that the city walls are designed with narrow entrances which would make them easier to defend, as would the watch towers which surrounded the city on all sides. I took a picture of the description of swords that were excavated at the site, and which identifies them as such. I included a figure of a man that is wearing a protective helmet. If it were not thousands of years old you might have mistaken it for the likeness of a football player. The museum had some of these actual helmets on display as well. They were made of copper. Also on display were many other metal artifacts such as copper axes, knives, necklaces etc. There were also iron axe heads as well as silver jewelry items, including earrings and necklace pendants. The display also included amazing pottery, including a very curious piece that bore the image of the sun shining from behind the image of a cross. I took more pictures than I can include in this article, but suffice it to say that when I left the museum I was angry. Angry at how much of this information was unknown to the general population. It made no sense to me, and still does not.
A number of artifacts containing Hebrew writing that have been discovered in these same areas in Tennessee. Many of these artifacts are in private collections and remain unknown to the world at large, much like the Duck Creek cache of swords, a picture of the exhibit plaque was included above. One particular sample however was discovered on an official Smithsonian dig and is known as the Bat Creek Stone, due to the location of the dig site. Maddeningly, the museum provided no official translation of the stone, nor did they attempt to identify the language it was written in, only stating that it might have been the language of the Cherokee. Below are two images, the first is an image of the Bat Creek Stone discovered by the Smithsonian Institute. The second image is of the Hebrew phrase – Holiness to the Lord. Compare the amazing similarity between the two and see if you can translate the stone that the professionals at the Smithsonian could, or would not.
Again, the purpose of this article is not to provide archeological proof of the Book of Mormon, but rather the genetic history of the House of Israel, with a focus on the House of Joseph. Clearly the images above show remarkable similarities with the narrative of the Book of Mormon. This article intends to demonstrate that the mtDNA of these people also match the House of Israel.
We have seen that the two largest non-conforming haplogroups among the Native American populations have been haplogroup X and Haplogroup T, with the latter being the most common haplogroup among the elite Egyptian ruling class as demonstrated elsewhere in this article. As such, without any further evidence, I would have attributed this haplogroup to Joseph. This piqued my curiosity in light of my patriarchal blessing which states that the noble blood of Joseph runs in my veins. I believe this to be a literal statement of fact, not a figure of speech. My blessing further declares that I am of the lineage of Ephraim. In light of this and all that I have studied, I was understandably curious to better understand the meaning of my blessing. I therefore paid to have a mtDNA test done that would show my direct maternal lineage going back literally thousands of years to the founding mothers of the house of Israel. The results confirmed what my patriarch had pronounced upon me so many years ago. I am haplogroup T.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. I would not at all be surprised to learn that many, if not the majority of the members of the Church today could literally trace their mtDNA haplogroup back to the founding mothers of the House of Israel. In fact, I expect that such is the case. I believe there is a reason that those who have joined the church have done so. They have not chosen the gospel so much as the Lord has chosen them. It resonated deep within them, in a way that increasingly makes less and less sense to the world. Israel is literally being gathered. I am literally an Israelite, and I would bet dollars to doughnuts that if you have read this letter to the end, so are you. Welcome back. Hoorah for Israel!