*This is the AUDIO book of A Remnant Shall Return* is comprised of Mp3 files which will play on any device. Please follow download instructions carefully. Designed to be played on the free "BookPlayer" app for both iPhone and Android.
A Remnant Shall Return is designed to prepare you for the incredible events of the restoration of the House of Israel. The scriptures teach that the restoration of the Lost Tribes of Israel will rival the exodus of Egypt in both wonder and might. It will be an event so incredible, that kings will shut their mouths in astonishment when it occurs. It will shape the events of America, and the world, more than any of the peripheral signs and wonders most people associate with the Second Coming. If you do not understand the covenants that the Lord has made regarding the restoration of the House of Israel, you are not prepared for what is about to transpire upon the earth. These covenants and promises will shape the events of the last days in a more meaningful and profound way than anything else. Christ commanded us to study them, the prophet is asking us to study them, and I am begging you to study them. Get ready for an amazing adventure, things are about to get very exciting!